Corporate Information

Executive Directors
Ms. WOO Lan Ying (Chairman)
Mr. LI Qizhi (Vice Chairman)

Independent non-executive Directors
Ms. LEUNG Shuk Lan
Ms. YUEN Wai Man
Mr. AU Sui Keung Albert

Audit Committee
Ms. YUEN Wai Man (Committee Chairman)
Ms. LEUNG Shuk Lan
Mr. AU Sui Keung Albert

Nomination Committee
Ms. WOO Lan Ying (Committee Chairman)
Ms. YUEN Wai Man
Ms. LEUNG Shuk Lan

Remuneration Committee
Ms. LEUNG Shuk Lan (Committee Chairman)
Ms. WOO Lan Ying
Ms. YUEN Wai Man

Company Secretary:
Mr. WONG Ka Wah

SFAI (HK) CPA Limited

Principal Bankers:
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

Registered Office:
Room 1201, 12/F, Guangdong Finance Building,
88 Connaught Road West,
Hong Kong.

Share Registrar:
Tricor Investor Services Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong

Stock Code: 8133